One project I'm really pumped about

I finally have some time to replace my Blink security system with one that I have full control over. I first was planning on using MotionEyeOS with raspberry pi zeros with the default pi cam.

After setting up the first one I was very unsatisfied with the video recording, at most I was getting around 4 fps. So I started looking for other options.

What I ended up with is something called ZoneMinder. It looked like it had everything I needed, and I would use MotionEyeOS for now to stream the video.

I installed ZoneMinder on a raspberry pi 4 2gb and the performance so far is really great. I also really love how configurable ZoneMinder is.

Now I just need to print some camera housings and get them mounted.

Finally getting some projects going again

I finally got my Ender 5 Plus re-assembled and running at my house again. First thing I printed was a Baby Yoda and it came out great.

So for the STEM night at Southwest School at the end of the month I’m going to print a bunch of them, along with some Yoda figures.

I’m going to be upgrading my laptop next with a 2tb SSD which I’ll hopefully get done tomorrow.

Got a little sidetracked :)

I got my tax refund and decided to get one of these cheap CNC routers from China. I got the 3018 Pro and a 5.5 w laser to go with it. I highly recommend getting some real safety goggles, the one it comes with do not seem to do anything. I got some from Amazon and now I can’t see the beam at all which is what I think you want.

It went together very easy and so far it’s worked quite well. I’ve cut some wood with it without any issues, and I am really liking the Easel software from Inventables to create tool paths and run the machine. I was thinking about buying the pro version, but honestly what they charge it’s really not worth it to me. It’s around $12 per month, every month, and you really don’t get a whole lot more. I’ll probably end up dusting off my copy of Cut-2d from Vectrix, and might even go ahead and get VCarve pro eventually. One thing I can see that’s going to happen is first I’ll be getting a real spindle and then build a larger frame for it.

The laser is pretty nice too, does engraving really well, and will actually cut 3mm plywood, so it will definitely be worth an upgrade. The laser module is a diode version and this actually has me considering getting a more powerful one for the full size laser cutter that I’m building.

Finally feeling better

I’ve been dealing with a bunch of health issues for the past couple of years, but it looks like I’m finally getting back to normal. It was rough but fortunately with the blessings of God and my friends I’ve come out the other end without too many permanent issues. Probably the biggest change in my day to day life is I finally stopped begging the VA to give me a knee replacement and got it done on my own.

I’m just about ready to start some new projects, and the first one is finishing setting up my latest 3d printer. It’s an Ender 5 plus and I really really like it. It’s got a huge build volume, nice touch screen display, integrated bed leveling using a BL touch, and the only modifications I’ve made is to add TL Smoothers, a direct drive for the extruder and a build plate from Wham Bam Systems. This thing has a huge build volume, prints nice and fast and doesn’t sling the bed/parts around as it prints and I’m really liking it.

I’m going to be finally getting my workshops organized again and the first thing I want to do is get all my printers organized and setup, and I’m going to investigate using Klipper to control them.

My current project that I’m working on is to build a home surveillance system that doesn’t use any third party software so I can ensure my privacy.

Merry Christmas

Well I had a very good Christmas, I had finished installing the new chimera hot end Friday, but have been struggling to get it to print a two color part. This morning I found a checkbox in my slicing software separate from the nozzle offsets that said 'Apply offsets t gcode'. I don't understand why it was there, but low and behold after checking the box this is what printed out:


First dual extrusion print! 

First dual extrusion print! 

I'm so glad it's working so well, because now I can work on these other projects I've gotten behind on.  

I hope everyone has a great Christmas and a happy new year.  

Upgrades to the Bumblebee II

I've recently been trying to get my printer back in operation after all the things that have gone on with my health recently. It's basically been a bunch of upgrades that I've been planning for a while that I've decided to go ahead and get done.  

First thing I did was I widened the bed from about 180mm to 300mm. I then changed it from an a-frame to a vertical frame similar to a Prusa i3, I also changed the x-ends to a vertical style like the prusa i3 (I have come to really like the simplicity of the i3). I've also upgraded the bed to a stiffer one with an aluminum plate, along with a laser etched grid and the printer name in the front right corner. The last upgrade for now is converting to Bowden and a dual extrusion chimera hot end.  

I am hoping to finish it up and get it running tonight, and then clean up the wiring over the holidays. Here's some pictures of where it's at right now :) 


Widened bed, new frame and Bowden conversion

Widened bed, new frame and Bowden conversion

Laser etched grid on the new bed

Laser etched grid on the new bed

The name :) 

The name :) 

Awesome get together

Had a great time meeting everyone with the helping hands project, and the kids today in Chapel Hill. These are some amazing and wonderful kids!  They had food, and games for the kids along with a bounce house.  

Then they were able to try the two electromechanical hands we have been working on, and that too was a huge hit. I got some amazing and insightful feedback and I'm ready to start on version two of the hand with what I learned.  

Then we broke out the 3D scanners and scanned some of the kids stumps, and also their heads. The first was to make custom fitted arms and hands, the second was so we could 3D print little busts of them.  

I am so glad I got involved with this project, it's so much fun.  

Update on what's been happening with me

I know a lot of people realize that I've had some health issues lately.  Well I've decided that I'm not going to try and be coy about it, I was diagnosed with Prostate cancer back in January and have been working with an Oncologist here in High Point. 

I recently created a site for friends and family who would like to keep up with what's going on, that way I'm not flooding this blog with those updates, I want to keep this focused on my projects, the Arduino class and other really fun stuff :)

You can go to MyLifeline Site and see what's going on, and if you want to comment or give support you can sign up as well.

Thanks to everyone who's helped me get this far, and I know that I've got some of the best friends in the world now I've gotten so much support and encouragement.


Tour To Tanglewood!

I've been volunteering at the Tour To Tanglewood for the past few years as a Ham Radio operator to help provide communications for the riders and organizers.

I miss being able to participate in riding in the event and raising money, but I think the need of the Ham operators is a bigger help to the Tour.

But I found out that not only can I do my Ham Operator volunteer work, I can actually raise money for MS by being a Virtual Rider!  So this year I've registered to do both, and I'm joining the Team that is organized by a co-worker Matt Aloi and supported by our company Inmar.

So if you want to help some people who can really use it please click here and donate whatever you can to the Tour to Tanglewood!!

