Sharepoint 2010

What happened to my DataSheet view?

This is what I was asking myself earlier this afternoon when I tried to use the datasheet view in one of the lists I was working on. I had a bunch of tabular data to update the list with, but when I clicked the 'DataSheet' view instead of getting nice columns and rows I got a message something like this instead:

"Sorry, DataSheet view is not available. We know why, but we will give you a very vague and generalized error and let you try and figure out what's wrong yourself"

I expected it had something to do with the 64-bit environment, and after a quick Bing search I found this Microsoft Support Article that described the problem and possible fixes. I chose to download and install the missing controls, and after a quick installer run (without having to reboot or restart IE) the datasheet view is once again available on my Dev box.

Security Trimming controls in Sharepoint 2010

In prior versions of Sharepoint hiding and displaying controls, especially the built in navigation/search/quick launch and toolbars was problematic to say the least.

Working on a new site this morning we had a requirement to hide the new Toolbar in 2010, along with the entire navigation bar to display a custom application page with just the web parts that they needed.

At first glance you could remove the snippets in the master page, but there's a few things that I didn't like.  The major one is that the functionality is lost on the ribbon and navigation.  I did some Binging and found a new tag that allows you to control the display of web parts/page markup based on Sharepoint permissions. 




SharePoint:SPSecurityTrimmedControl ID="SPSecurityTrimmedControl1" PermissionsString="ManagePermissions" runat="server">

<!-- Markup to display/hide based on permissions -->





This snippet allows you to wrap any HTML/ASP markup and based on the PermissionsString either display or hide them.

Of course this works out really good in our project, if a user that has ManagePermissions goes to the page they see the regular ribbon and navigation, but if you do not it's all hidden.