Home Automation

Update on the weather station

I've been testing it and it seems to be working quite well.  I'll be posting the files this weekend with the code and the instructions on the assembly of the weather station and the base unit.

While working with it I've decided that I am going to be building the console for the weather station using a Raspberry Pi instead of an arduino.  This will make it much easier to display the weather information wherever I want to, and upload it to the various weather web sites that I'm a member of.

If there is enough interest we can do the build of the Raspberry Pi console as a part 2 for the weather station, and we can do that at the next class.  This will give people who are interested in expanding what you can do with an arduino the ability to use another inexpensive controller board to expand your projects even more.  Using the wireless module we've chosen and a Raspberry Pi potentially gives us an opportunity to even create a home automation system controlled by the Raspberry Pi and use Arduino nano boards to control and sense various things around the house.

We will discuss this at the class.
