
Classes starting again

I'm going to be starting the classes again.   Right now we are going to continue with the weather station project, but we will be making some changes to the code.  I just wasn't really happy how it was developing so we'll refactor the code.

Not to mention it's been so long since we've met, it'll be good to start clean and have everyone at the same spot.  I'll be updating the code between now and when the class starts, and right now I'm shooting for the first Saturday in August.  As soon as I get confirmation of the room reservation I'll make an announcement here.

I'm also going to review the parts list for those who are joining us, so you'll have time to order the parts and be ready.

At a high level overview we are still planning to make a weather station that uses an Arduino uno for the sensors in a waterproof box, and it will transmit the information wirelessly to either another Arduino Uno or to a Raspberry PI.  We will do both versions, and at first we'll be using an Arduino to test the wireless communication, then for those that are happy with that they can build that.  But then we'll be moving on to a Raspberry  PI station that will allow you to display the weather information on a webpage.

Thanks for everyones patience as we get going again with the classes.  If anyone has any questions or suggestions please email me at
