iPad observations

After the second week of using my iPad I'm still loving it. The battery life is freaky, it's not often that a battery life claim is actually LESS than reality. With the iPad vie only ran the battery down twice below 20%, the first time was the day I got it, the second time was yesterday while I was working on building a RC tank for someone and was watching movies all day on it. Both times it h it 20% around 10 pm after a full day of use.

The apps are a blast, I especially like plants vs zombies and We Rule. Hopefully they will get the server issues worked out with We Rule soon.....

Books are simply wonderful, I copied all my ebooks from my iPhone and my mac onto my iPad, so I can read any of my books whenever I want :)

I am rather disappointed with the policy of the SDK, I honestly don't see how it really benefits anyone to prohibit third par cross compilers and libraries as long as they adhere to the API.

I honestly don't have many sites that I can't use because of the lack of flash. It seems Ike most of them have implemented alternate pages with HTML 5 instead.

Oh, and by the way this is my first blog post that I've written on my iPad ;)