Burlington Maker Faire News

Exciting news about the upcoming Burlington Maker Faire.  I'm going to be attending as part of the WSMixxer maker space, which is a new maker space being formed in Winston Salem.  If you're interested you can get more information at http://wsmixxer.org.

I'll be bringing my printers (as many as I have running at the time) and my filament extruder and demonstrating them.  I'll also have my Structure.io scanner and I'll be scanning peoples heads and e-mailing them to them, and if they would like I'll be printing small busts on the printers.

The other thing I'm going to be involved in is the balloon launch being done by the Blessed Sacrament School of Burlington.  I have a ham license and I'll be helping them with the tracking of the balloon by building an APRS tracker that will download the balloons altitude and location for tracking on a map in realtime. 

It's going to be shaping up to be a VERY busy Maker Faire, I'm really excited to be involved in both the new maker space, and the balloon launch