At dinner tonight I got to thinking about the best way to power the Raspberry Pi and it came to me. A very simple, effective, and inexpensive solution.
Instead of using a 7805 regulator I am using a BEC that normally I use in my RC airplanes. The one I have right now is rated at 5 amps at either 5 or 6v. Sure enough when I wired it up to the Pi everything started up just fine and I'm running some test prints just to be sure, but I think it's going to work out great.
It even has a low voltage alert in case for any reason it stops getting the clean 5v, and it has filtering and smooth regulated power for the Pi. Best part is they only cost about $6 and install in a flash.
So all I have left is to cleanly mount it and the wiring, then make a board for the lights and add switches to them both so I can turn the lights off and on, and install my emergency stop switch that will kill all power to the motors and the Rambo board in case of a mechanical issue.