Just some random thoughts on America and the state we're in

Was just reading the latest articles about Obama's economic stimulus plan, and the manuevering that's going on in Washington right now.

It got me thinking about how many people got involved and interested in what's going on with America during the election, and I'm really hoping that people will continue to stay motivated and involved in Government now that Obama is in office. I mean isn't that the purpose of our Government, 'For the People?'.

I think we have become too focused on what our immediate needs are, we are to 'short-term' in our thinking and planning. I'm basing this on myself, I generally don't make many long term or long range plans or goals. I am trying to change that, after reading about the 'Getting Things Done' method.

I'm really trying to make this a permanent change, and not just a temporary one that in 6 months I won't even remember. That's what got me thinking about the most recent election. How much of what was said and promised during the election will be remembered acurately 1 year from now?

I think it's my responsibility as an American to hold my elected representatives responsible for what I want from Government and America.

I'm definitely going to try, that's for sure. Even though I didn't vote for Obama or most of the representatives that were elected, that's who we have now, and I need to make sure they know what I want and how I feel.

That's how democracy is supposed to work right?